

Binadox provides fast, simple and seamless integration with Aha! – the world #1 product map software. New features that improve management and  increases productivity across enterprises are now available for Aha! and Binadox  users.

Aha! offers SaaS roadmapping software that helps product managers map out the vision of a software product.  This includes the business drivers, release tracking, and, in broad brushstrokes, the features that are going to be delivered to end users in each version. Aha! also includes collaboration and can make product strategy visible for team members and management.

Binadox enables administrators and business leaders to automatically uncover Aha! usage across the enterprise as well as many other SaaS products, allowing them to simplify management operations, optimize costs and make more strategic renewal decisions. Beyond that, Aha!+Binadox integration provides all necessary data to achieve license and IT compliance and greatly increase security throughout your organization.



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