
Binadox SaaS usage and cost optimization solution allows to keep Float operational efficiency and expenses under constant systematic control. The Float software is connected to Binadox as part of your utilization and costs optimization management along with other applications and services at an organization.

Float is a cloud application for scheduling and assigning tasks to team members. It offers a number of functionalities to keep one planning calendar for an entire office or a separate department. Employees are able to see tasks assigned to them and their deadlines, be aware of significant changes in project development and milestones marked on the calendar and be instantly notified of project updates.

Float subscription payments are based on the number of licenses assigned to certain employees that use the application. As soon as Float is connected to Binadox, the system starts to estimate total application utilization as well as each user’s utilization, identify unassigned or abandoned licenses, track software renewals, calculate overpayment and give advice on spend optimization.

Based on real-time metrics and diagrams, improve overall team operational efficiency and lower costs by downgrading pricing plans or unsubscribing users.

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